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The Central Library of Providence Women’s College is a hub for reading, learning, and experiencing the largest collection of learning resources in the arts, humanities, commerce, science, social sciences, and technology. The Library supports the research and educational needs of Students, Research Scholars, and the Faculty of the College. The library provides need-based services and orientation for accessing online information resources using modern Information and Communication Technologies.
Our Mission is to facilitate access to quality information resources and services for excellence in research, teaching, and learning and to provide physical and digital spaces to our users.
To become a library and information centre in the arts, commerce, humanities, science, and technology by providing innovative and quality services for the enrichment of the user community.
The Library was initially automated with Book Magic, one of the leading Windows-based Library automation Software.
Currently, upgraded to KOHA, (version:22.05) which is the world’s best open source library automation software.
OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalogue. The OPAC is the gateway to the library’s collection.: that is; author, title, and subject information about the materials that a library owns.
Total Number of Books in the Library
Total Number of Titles in the Library
Total Number of TBL Books (Book Bank)
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