Are libraries still relevant in a digitised world

Preserving the books, providing information and space for reading has been the very purpose of libraries for ages. But today, at a time when information is at the disposal of the users around the clock through digital modes – are libraries still relevant and should resource be spent on libraries. One cannot debate the fact […]

Why institutional libraries must transform into digital knowledge ecosystems

with the world moving rapidly towards digitisation, access to, consumption and sharing of information has also changed. Digital technologies have revolutionised the production and distribution of knowledge. This requires institutions to adapt so that they avoid becoming obsolete. Higher education institutions (HEIs) can democratise knowledge by providing students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds access to knowledge […]

Public libraries have found a new role among aspirational youth. But bibliophiles will miss just browsing

In India, the public library has always been a scarce resource. Outside of academic institutions and private clubs, spaces to read and borrow books are few and far between. The country’s transition from a low-literacy, relatively poor society to a middle-income, educated one was accompanied by the rise of electronic and digital media, and browsing […]

Understanding the role of digital technologies in education: A review

Abstract One of the fundamental components of the United Nations’ sustainable development 2030 agenda is quality education. It aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all. Digital technologies have emerged as an essential tool to achieve this goal. These technologies are simple to detect emissions sources, prevent additional damage through improved energy efficiency […]